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Excel Hypnosis
with Anthony Gitch!

What would you change if you knew you could?

Welcome to Excel Hypnosis

When You're Ready for Different

Something brought you here. A pattern you're tired of repeating. A reaction that doesn't serve you anymore. A goal that stays just out of reach.

Break Free from Habits

The cigarette you "quit." The wine that's now routine. Stress eating that solves nothing. Nail biting you can't shake. Scrolling that steals your sleep. Exercise plans that fade by Wednesday.

Quiet the Mind

Racing thoughts that won't slow down. Obsessing over every interaction. That 3 AM anxiety spiral. Self-doubt that shows up before every big moment. Old memories that still sting. The constant need to check and recheck.

Emotional Patterns

Anger that feels bigger than the moment. Grief that hasn't softened with time. Guilt that follows you everywhere. Fear of success that keeps you playing small. Self-sabotage right before the  finish line.

The Physical Stuff

IBS that flares with stress. Tension headaches that persist. Chronic pain that varies without reason. Sleep that never feels restful. Medical anxiety that keeps you from getting care you need.

Performance & Growth

Stage fright that silences. Test anxiety despite preparation. Procrastination that paralyzes. Writer's block on deadline. Interview nerves that hide your brilliance. The confidence that stays just out of reach.

Those "Irrational" Fears

Elevators that feel impossible. Flying anxiety that's grounding you. Driving stress that limits your world. Medical procedures you keep postponing. Social situations you've mastered avoiding.

Why Hypnotherapy Works

This isn't about trying harder or understanding more. We talk directly to the part of your mind that's ready for an update. No endless processing. No forcing change. Just genuine dialogue that creates real shifts. 

For those ready to surprise themselves with what's possible. 

Hypnosis Products

MindSpa Hypnotica - Downloads for Healers

MindSpa Hypnotica - Downloads for Healers

Crystal Clarity: A Transformative Journey for Your Clients

Crystal Clarity: A Transformative Journey for Your Clients

The Dream Experience - Download for You!

The Dream Experience - Download for You!


Published Articles


West Seattle hypnotist Anthony Gitch wants to help others find joy

West Seattle hypnotist Anthony Gitch gives all of his clients a card that reads: “There is no person, thought, idea, memory, image, feeling or sensation, out of the past, in the present or ever to arrive in the future that could stop me from ______.” READ MORE


Feelings: Understanding your internal navigation system

What are your feelings for? What do they tell you? Do you know the difference between feeling inadequate, sad, board or fearful? More importantly do you have a healthy way to satisfy those feelings once you have identified them? READ MORE


What can hypnosis do? You might be very surprised

People have a wide selection of therapeutic approaches to solving a range of issues, hypnosis being one of the fastest in creating lasting results. Most people are unaware of the depth of hypnosis techniques and the fact that over time they have evolved into a variety or different modalities. READ MORE


9 Shocking Facts You Never Knew About Hypnosis

We've all seen hypnotists portrayed in movies, as they swing gold pocket watches and whisper, "You're getting sleepy. Very sleepy." But did you know hypnosis is used in therapy? When it's utilized by trained hypnotherapists, patients can use hypnosis to recover from trauma, move past addictions, and just generally improve their lives. READ MORE

Why Choose Anthony!


Twenty years of experience has taught me this: what seems permanent rarely is. I specialize in helping people create changes they thought were impossible. My approach is direct and effective—I see the patterns others miss and know exactly how to help you shift them.

I bring precise expertise and a deep understanding of how your mind creates lasting change. No endless processing. No surface-level fixes. Just real transformation with someone who knows exactly how to create it.

Ready for different? Let's talk. 


Credentials and Professional Associations

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